Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hi, it's Mama Pitbull!

Hi there and thanks for stopping by!

My name is Roberta - also known as Mama Pitbull - a Montreal chick, Lawyer by day, DIY'er, avid scrapbooker, fitness freak and pitbull lover.

My hubby and I recently adopted of a female pitbull mix from a rescue...and I am so excited, I just have to write about it!

I started this blog to document the exciting adventures of being a first time dog owner and figured having a place to voice my thoughts and experiences would be fun and allow me to get feedback from fellow bloggers and maybe it will help (and hopefully entertain) anybody reading my posts out there.

My goal is to discuss things related to dogs in general, such as health, nutrition, fitness, training, dealing with behaviour issues, as well as issues specific to the pitbull breed and bull mixes and doing my part in the hopes of educating those who are prejudiced against these breeds and raising awareness against Breed Specific Legislation.

Hope pitbull and bull breed lovers and all dog lovers alike enjoy reading my blog!

Leave us a message, we love receiving feedback!



  1. Hey there fellow pibbles lover! Oh my gosh! Your pibbles is totally beautiful!! I'm subscribing to your blog. You contact me via my blog, Pibbles & Me! :) Gotta love our babies! Congrats furmom!!

    1. Thanks so much Bren! My pibbles thanks you too with a butt wiggle and many kisses! Thank you for subscribing, that's awesome and thank you for sharing my blog. :)

  2. Hi Roberta, I saw your comment on the No Dog About It blog, and decided to stop by and check out your new blog. I love it! I think it is awesome that your first dog is a rescue dog, and a Pitbull to boot. I've really only known one pittie mix personally, and she is just the sweetest thing. And oh my gosh, Yoda is absolutely adorable. I am looking forward to reading more!

    1. Hey Jan! Now that just made my day. Comments are the best! I have readers that cares to post? That's too cool, lol. Thanks.
      I went all out for a first dog eh? Pitbull and a rescue lol. Best decision lol. She's so funny, she gives me stuff to write about... Would be So happy if you would visit again.

  3. She is just too cute! My husband finally agreed to let me get a dog. So now im on the search for Pit bull puppies for sale . I'll be a first time dog owner as well! I can't wait to have a dog of my own, keep blogging! I'll love to hear about your experiences as I start my dog owning journey as well.

  4. Hello! Luna and I just nominated your blog for a Liebster Award! You can learn about how you can accept this blog award here! Congrats! We cannot wait to see your blog grow!

    Hugs and wags, Jessica and Luna!

    1. WWOOOWWW!!!! That is so awesome! Thank you for visiting my blog and for getting my blog's name out and for nominating it!! I appreciate that so much!! Yoda will be so extra loved now!! I will so check this out after work and will definitely accept the award!! My lil ol blog is getting visits?? You just made my day!
